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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Off to Mexico City to Network, and to Help Shape the Future

Today, my family said farewell as I headed to Mexico City with Loyola President Father Linnane and Dr. Greg Derry (Physics Department).

Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad du Mexico (UAI) is hosting a conference, "Networking Jesuit Higher Education for the Globalizing World: Shaping the Future for a Humane, Just, Sustainable Globe."

The conference planners, especially Paul Locatelli, S.J., Secretary for Jesuit Higher Education and the Intellectual Apostolate, hope that participants will look for various ways to network and create action plans to respond to frontier challenges and problems. The challenges and problems fall under these categories: theology & culture, inequality & poverty, ecology & sustainability, human rights & civic responsibility, the intellectual apostolate, Catholic identity and Jesuit mission, and regional challenges.

The conference schedule includes large group lectures/discussions, many small group discussions, daily opportunities to go to mass, and, lots of opportunities to eat.

Tomorrow is the first real day of the conference. In the evening, we are heading to the historic center of Mexico City for dinner and a large reception.

Each participant also chose a topic of focus for the conference. I chose the ecology & sustainability challenge because Loyola’s new Emerging Leaders MBA Program (ELMBA) includes sustainability as a major theme. I’m interested in the inequality & poverty theme too, and will try to see what I can learn and contribute. The conference inspired me to begin chronicling my experience in learning more about this area and how we can help to make a difference.

This is my first blogging experience. Is it obvious?

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